
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ten Unmistakable Signs Your Employees Are Job-Hunting

Some workplace questions are difficult to answer, but this one is not: Why do employees quit their jobs?
They do it because they are undervalued. They leave their jobs because they are kept in the dark and unappreciated. The biggest problem most managers have is that they neglect their employees.
They say to themselves, “No one has complained to me about anything, so everything must be fine in my department” when it isn’t. Their employees have tried to say, “I have a concern — there’s something we need to talk about” but their issues were brushed aside.
Strong managers are constantly asking their teammates, “How are you doing? How are you holding up?” Weak managers don’t ask, because they don’t want to hear the answer. If they tuned in and listened to their employees, they’d be responsible for taking a step. They might have to advocate for a team member. That’s what they don’t want to do.
Here are 10 unmistakable signs some or all of your employees are looking for a job that doesn’t put them in daily contact with you. Now is your chance to step up and ask your employees what you can do to make your workplace a human place where people can thrive and grow.
Don’t wait for these signs to show themselves — do it now!
Ten Unmistakable Signs Your Employees Are Job-Hunting
1. Conflicts and long-running disagreements among employees seem to melt away. Your teammates have realized that they’re not unhappy with one another — they’re unhappy with you. They’re teaming up to help one another job-hunt, or job-hunting independently with a mutual agreement to keep everybody’s job search under wraps.

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